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B.Tech Courses -- School Of Engineering,Thrikkakara
Programme Name Eligibility Criteria for Admission Duration Nature of Programme Professional/
School of Engineering, Thrikkakara                                                Faculty of Engineering                           Ph:0484-2556187
B. Tech. Civil Engineering.  

Pass in the Plus Two Examination of the State of Kerala or any other examination accepted as equivalent thereto with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as optional subjects securing a minimum of 50% marks in Mathematics and 50% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together.

8 Sem. Full-Time  (Self-financing) Professional 90
B. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering. 90
B. Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engineering. 60
B. Tech.  Electronics &       Communication Engineering. 90
B. Tech. Information Technology 90
B. Tech.  Mechanical Engineering 90
B. Tech.  Safety & Fire Engineering. 60

Special Note for BTech Admissions

For all Under Graduate Programmes (except Marine Engineering) the minimum eligibility for SEBC candidates tobe considered under reservation quota (belonging to Kerala State) for admission to B. Tech is 45% for Mathematics and 45% for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together in the qualifying examination.Of the total seats for B.Tech. (Self-financing) 50% are free seats, 40% payment and 10% are NRI payment seats.The free seats are reserved only for Keralite students.For B.Tech in Naval Architecture and Ship Building, Instrumentation, Polymer Science Engineering, 10% of the seats are earmarked for students on All India basis (All India quota) and the remaining seats for the Keralites. Candidates under SEBC category, whose family income is more than Rs. 6,00,000/- (Rupees Six Lakhs only)) are not eligible for free/payment seats under the respective community quota.Seats reserved under sports quota will come under payment seats of B.Tech programmes.50% concession in tuition fees will be granted to Physically Challenged candidates admitted against the seats reserved for Physically Challenged and have been approved by the medical board constituted for the purpose by the University and whose annual family income does not exceedRs. 1.50 lakh.

"SC/ST candidates are eligible for admission, if they have pass marks in the qualifying examination except for B.Tech Marine Engineering".

For all regular PG programmes including subsidized PG programmes like, M.C.A, M.B.A (International Business) and 5 year Integrated M.Sc in Photonics 10% of seats are set apart for students on All India basis and the remaining for Keralites.
For P.G. programmes under self financing sector 50% of the seats are given for Keralites, 10% for NRIs and the remaining 40% open to all.

Who is a Keralite

A candidate will be considered as a ‘Keralite’ for the limited purpose of eligibility for admission,

a. He/She or his/her father/mother was born in Kerala
b. He/She has been a resident of Kerala for a period of 5 years within a period of 12 years
c. He/She has undergone his/her school studies from standards VIII to XII in educational institutions(s) in Kerala.
d. Children of All India Service (AIS) officers (Non Keralites) allotted to Kerala circle are deemed to be “Keralites’ (GO (Rt.) No. 822/08/H.Edn dated 29/05/2008). But they will not be eligible for Communal/Special Reservations.

Candidates claiming the Keralite status should invariably produce at the time of interview / admission, any one of the following certificates in original.
• The certificate of Birth / Residence of the candidate or his/her father or mother from the Village Officer / Tahsildar or from a competent authority of local body, 
• The ‘Certificate showing school studies in Kerala from Standards VIII to XII’ from the Head of School where the candidate completed his / her study in Standard XII,
• Relevant page of the SSLC of the candidate’s father / mother showing the place of birth in Kerala with corroborative evidence showing the relationship between the candidate and the parent,
• Relevant page of the passport of the candidate or either of parents issued by the Government of India showing place of birth in Kerala with corroborative evidence showing the relationship between the parent and candidate,
• Birth certificate of candidate or his / her, father / mother showing the place of birth in Kerala with corroborative evidence showing the relationship between the candidate and father / mother of whose birth certificate is being produced
• For claiming Keralite-AIS (All India Service), certificate from competent authority should be attached.

Fee Structure for BTech Courses
The Fee Schedule is based on pre-revised rates
Sl. No. Name of  Programme Rates of Fees PTA Caution Deposit Total
Tuition fees Other fees Lab/Computer Library
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 B.Tech.(Civil Engg., Computer Science & Engg., Electrical and Electronics Engg., Electronics & Communication Engg., Information Technology, Mechanical Engg., Safety & Fire Engg.) State Merit
All India Merit
NRI **
2 B.Tech. (Marine Engineering) State Merit
All India Merit
NRI **
3 B.Tech. (Instrumentation Technology) GEN
4 B.Tech.(Naval Architecture & Ship Building) GEN
5 B.Tech.(Polymer Science & Engineering) GEN

Note : For Sl.No. 1 & 2 the fees shown above is for the first year, while for 3 to 5, it is for the first semester.
**Other fess Includes Rs.1,25,000/-- NRI refundable deposit. refunded without interest at the end of the course.
# For KSC/KST the fees for State Merit / All India Merit Seats are same.

Communal Reservations

Rules for communal reservation framed by the Government of Kerala and implemented by the University from time to time will be applicable to the various academic programmes.  Only candidates from ‘Socially and Educationally Backward Communities’ (SEBC) eligible for Kerala State communal reservation will be considered for seats earmarked for such communities, provided that the eligibility for such reservation shall be subject to satisfactory verification of relevant Community as well as Annual Family Income certificates issued by competent revenue authorities as prescribed by the rules of the University in force. 

The percentage-wise reservation in force is given below:

       Professional Programmes

Scheduled Castes (KSC) 8%
Sscheduled Tribes (KST) 2%
SEBC (Socially and Educationally Backward Communities)  
Ezhava /Thiyya / Billava (ETB) 9%
Muslim (MSM) 8%
Other Backward Hindus (OBH) 3%
Latin Catholic and Anglo-Indians (LCC) 3%
Other Backward Christian (OBX) 1%
Kudumbi (KMB) 1%
Dheevara (DHV) 2%
Pot Making Castes (PMC) 1%
VIswakarma (VSK) 2%
Total 40%

 “KSC/KST candidates are eligible for admission, if they have minimum pass marks   in the qualifying examination except for Marine Engineering”.   They  can opt for payment category also and are not required to make any payments (except their common fee payable) once they get admission under this category. They will have to produce original Community Certificate in the prescribed format issued by the competent revenue authorities at the time of Group Discussion and / or Interview / Counseling / Admission, whichever is held earlier as the case may be.

Community Certificate and Annual family Income Certificate are to be issued by the Village Officer concerned for ‘SEBC’ candidates belonging to the state of Kerala and by the Tahsildar concerned for KSC/KST candidates belonging to State of Kerala for claiming admission under respective “Reservation” category.

Candidates belonging to states other than Kerala are not eligible for communal reservation.

Special Reservations

Besides communal reservation, specified numbers of seats are set apart under “Special Reservation” as detailed below. All applicants under this quota have to appear for the Common Admission Test/ Department Admission Test, as the case may be, unless otherwise specified. 

Physically Challenged 
Physically challenged persons with minimum of 40% disability as certified by the Medical Board stipulated under relevant rules of Government of Kerala in the matter, are eligible for reservation. The certificate produced should be either in Malayalam or in English. 3% seats are reserved for physically challenged candidates for all B.Tech courses, except B.Tech Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture & Ship Building, Instrumentation, Polymer Science & Engineering and Safety & Fire Engineering. One seat each for all other academic programmes except M.Sc (Industrial Fisheries) is reserved for physically challenged candidates. The seats allotted to physically challenged candidates are supernumerary in nature. A certificate of disability in original from the District Medical Board certifying the percentage of disability issued not earlier than 12 months prior to the date of counselling / GD / interview / admission, whichever is earlier, has to be produced by the candidate. The percentage of disability shall not be an index for gaining eligibility / admission. Admission shall be based on merit of the candidates. However, a medical board constituted by the University will examine individual cases prior to admission. The decision of the board will be final.

  Sports Quota
Reservation under Sports Quota is available for the following programmes :

  1. “Payment Category” of the B.Tech. 
The candidate should forward a copy of the confirmation page of online registration along with attested photocopies of sports merit certificates (highest achievements in each event) to The Secretary, Kerala Sports Council, Thiruvananthapuram - 695001. The Sports Council will allot marks to the candidates according to their proficiency in sports. The maximum mark for proficiency is 500. The minimum achievement required for consideration: Representing the Educational District / Sports School / Sports Hostels in the Kerala State Schools Championship and winning third place. The Sports Council shall forward the list along with the copy of the confirmation page of the students applied to CUSAT. The candidates should make sure that the list reaches the University before the deadline. (30th April 2015). The marks awarded to the candidates for proficiency in sports by the Kerala Sports Council will be added to the marks obtained by the respective candidates in the concerned Common Admission Test (provided they are ranked in the Common Admission Test). In the case of Management Programmes C-MAT(AICTE)/MAT(AIMA)/CAT(IIM) score (after normalization) will be added to the marks awarded by the Kerala Sports Council. The merit list for each course would be prepared on the basis of inter-se merit of the candidate computed as above. At the time of preparation of the rank list under sports quota, if there is any tie in the total marks, it will be resolved by the same principle of resolution of tie for the preparation of CAT Rank list. The seats under sports quota will be filled up according to the rank from inter-se Merit List prepared for Sports. The sports quota rank list will not be considered for filling up other categories of seats such as general merit.
Candidates who claim reservation under Sports Quota should produce, at the time of counselling, a certificate of eligibility for selection under this quota issued by the Kerala Sports Council, as per the guidelines published by them. The achievements in two financial years (1st April to 31st March) previous to the year of selection shall alone be considered. However, in the case of competitions which are not organized annually the immediately previous competitions shall be deemed as held in the previous two financial years for the purpose of this selection.


In accordance with the relevant rules of the Government of Kerala, one seat as supernumerary in All India Merit category is available for candidates belonging to Jewish community for admission to B.Tech Engineering Programmes. In 2015 the seat for Jew Community is reserved in Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Engineering, Kochi – 22.

  Children of CUSAT Staff 

For the children of permanent employees of  CUSAT one seat each is  reserved as supernumerary in  B.B.A.,LL.B (Hons.) and in the payment category of  each branch of B.Tech Engineering programmes in SOE and CUCEK.  SC/ST candidates who secure admission in this category are not eligible for any fee concession / refund as this is a privileged category seat.

Common Admission Test -- CAT

.i) Test for First Degree programmes in Engg. & Technology

The test(Test 101) comprises of 250 objective type multiple choice questions based on Plus Two syllabus. Of this, 125 questions will be from Mathematics and 125 questions will be from Physics and Chemistry with physics to chemistry ratio maintained at 3:2. The duration of the test will be three hours.

The admission to following courses is based on the score in this test.

B. Tech. course in Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Information Technology, Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Safety & Fire Engineering.