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  • Vision

    To be a global centre for learning and dissemination in computing and automation.

  • Mission

     To mould students as competent and industry leading technologists with social commitment guided by professional ethics and national ethos

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About The Department of Computer Science & Engineering.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engg, CUSAT is one of the premier institutes of the country, which provides state of the art engineering education in the domain of Computer Science & Engineering. It has produced many competent Software Engineers working in top class MNCs like Google, Reliance, Amazon, flipkart, TCS and so on. As we have got 50% students admitted from all india Merit, MNC’s have got a special consideration for recruitment for software jobs, as we have highly capable students, not only from kerala, but from all over the country. Every year we have 100% placement among the students eligible for recruitment and those students usually grab even two to three jobs.

In addition to the undergraduate Program, we have a Postgraduate program with specialization in Network Computing and Doctoral programs in all the current hot research areas like Data Sciences, Cryptography, Network Security, Information Retrieval , Natural Language Processing and so on. We have got very solid industry interactions with top MNCs like TCS such that even during their studies, students get an opportunity to study industry oriented electives, suited for the software industry. The Board of Studies of the department gives emphasis to update the syllabus as per the latest industry trends. The student associations and faculty are keen to bring in experts to interact with the students to update their knowledge in the new developments.

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