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About School Of Engineering PTA

The PTA of School of Engineering is active in the Campus with the following activities:

● Maintaining a web based student information system.
● Engaging data entry operators in each division for the PTA website and also to assist the Head on official duties.
● Helping the poor students financially and encouraging academically brilliant students with awards for academic excellence.
● Resolving student conflicts, strikes etc.

The team is headed by the Principal SOE, Secretary , Vice President and Joint Secretary .
Two Parent and two Teacher representatives are also part of the Executive committee.

SOE PTA Executive Committee Members →

Click Here to Access Student Academic Information System


For any queries contact:

1. Prof. (Dr.) Dipak Kumar Sahoo ( President )     -   +91 9496215851
2. Prof. (Dr.) M R Radhakrishna Panicker(Secretary)       -  +91 9447411827