School of Engineering Library
Cochin University of Science and Technology
School of Engineering (SOE) Library is one of the largest libraries that caters the information needs of students, teachers and research scholars belonging to the School. The library provides free and equal access to all sources of information. Open access is provided to ensure free searching, selection and use of library materials. Library tickets are issued to members for lending the books for outside use. The reading room of the library provides facilities for reference. The library is kept open for 9½ hours a day from 9 am to 6.30 pm without break. The library functions are managed by professionally competent staff members. The library keeps the resources in a secure environment for long use.
Library Resources
Total Number of Books as on 31-03-2022
Text Books |
30000 |
Reference Books |
3500 |
PG Books |
3200 |
Book Bank |
2300 |
Closed Reference |
500 |
Gift Books |
181 |
Total |
39681 |
Total Number of Titles in the Library as on 31-03-2022
Titles |
12000 |
Journals Print
Indian |
24 |
Foreign |
online |
Online Journals
We have access to all major databases
Full text access |
12000 |
E-Books |
1400 |
Indian |
18 |
News papers
English |
4 |
Regional Language |
4 |
Total |
8 |
Carpet Area and Seating Capacity
Carpet area |
304 Meter Square |
Reading Area |
96 Meter Square |
Seating Capacity |
70 |
Library Facilities
SOE library has 7 Desktop Computers (Intel core i5)with DVD drive and a server. Students can use the desktops for accessing online based educational materials including e-books, e-journals, e-thesis, etc. Students can bring their laptop inside the library and access web based resources using wifi connection. The library has one flatbed scanner for digitizing materials essential for the academic community. The entire past question papers of all branches of B.Tech are kept in digital form. These are also archived in CUSAT digital library for any where any time access.
Library Working Hours
The library is kept open about 271 days in an academic year. Per day it is kept open for 9½hours. (From 9 am to 6. 30 pm)
Human Resources
The SOE library has at present the following staff strength;
Designation |
Qualifications |
No |
Assistant Librarian |
1 |
Junior Librarian |
1 |
Professional Assistants |
6 |
Library Assistants |
2 |
Office Attendant |
1 |
Total |
11 |
Library collection and services
The collection of SOE library is built around the teaching and learning process of the parent organization. The library caters the needs of the students by ensuring a sound reference collection, circulating text books and general books, supplying CDs, and journals, and providing analog or digital copies of the materials. A book bank section is maintained by the library for students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The PG section includes books for the advanced studies in engineering. Online catalogues (http://172.144.167:81) are provided for searching library materials. An alphabetical list of subjects is displayed with class numbers and shelves numbers for easy access and selection. New arrivals are displayed for some days.
The SOE Library offers the following services
Lending of Books
Reference service
Book Bank Scheme
Scanning and CD writing
Document Delivery Service by arrangement with University library
Current Awareness Service-Articles
Reservation of Books
Wifi access
Photocopy service
Academic publishing workshops-UGC-CARE/Scopus, Web of Science
News archiving for CUSAT
Adding new articles to CUSAT website
Scanning and Archiving Question papers
Scanning and Archiving University Publications
Digital Library
CUSAT is maintaining a digital library for accessing faculty papers, seminar reports, teaching materials, syllabus, question papers etc. The Digital Library has been created using the DSpace open source software. School of Engineering is in the forefront of applying information technology to library service. It has added the largest number of contents to the digital library. CUSAT B.Tech Syllabus, List of Books, Journal Content pages and more than five thousand previous year question papers were added to the Digital Library. There are available online at
Digital Library homepage
KOHA Open Source Library Management Software
The application of open source software is prominent in CUSAT libraries. SOE Library is the first library in CUSAT to adopt open source software for library automation. Since 2007 onwards it uses Koha open source software for various library functions that include Online Catalogue, barcode generation for books and readers tickets, issue and return of books and stock verification.
Online Catalogue
The catalogue of the library can be searched online via intranet. It is available at http://172.144.167:81/ (Intranet)
Library Cards
Three cards are issued for B.Tech Students, M.Tech Students, Contract Lectures in the School. Six cards are issued to permanent faculty members of the School.
Loan Period
Books are issued for a period of 15 days both for students and faculty. They can renew the loan period for another 15 days. After one month, the book has to be returned to the library. However, the library charges no fine for overdue materials.
Issue and Return
The average number of books issued per day is 300 and returned is 250.
Purchase and use of current titles, important journals, and other reading materials.
The SOE library ensures the availability of current titles by browsing publishers printed catalogues, searching in online books shops, reading reviews, and receiving recommendations from faculty and students. Prominent journals are identified by the faculty concerned.
Internet services
The SOE library has Internet connection with 1.0 Gbps speed. Two systems are kept for students to access Internet. The library also has wifi connection.
Building and Location
The library has 304 Meter Square Carpet area and 96 Meter Square Reading area. Its seating capacity is 70.
The library is centrally located within the Campus. Students can easily access the library from different department premises.
Library advisory committee
The library has an advisory committee for giving timely directions for books and journal acquisition, purchasing of software, computers and other accessories, helping to frame library policies and priorities.
Annual Library Budgets
The library is allotted an annual budget both for books and Indian journals. Foreign Journals are subscribed and supplied by the University Library.
Years |
Books -Amount |
Nos |
Journals Amount |
Nos |
2017-2018 |
326717 |
646 |
59584 |
28 |
2018-2019 |
264404 |
570 |
83808 |
45 |
2019-2020 |
382017 |
691 |
88039 |
39 |
2020-2021 |
161391 |
279 |
77932 |
32 |
2021-2022 |
225939 |
432 |
85000 |
40 |
Total |
1360468 |
2618 |
394363 |
Number of Users
Category |
Nos |
B.Tech Students |
2400 |
M.Tech Students |
180 |
Research Scholar |
170 |
Teachers |
220 |
Non-Teaching Staff |
38 |
Total |
3008 |
The library of School of Engineering is an important centre of learning, teaching and research in all fields of engineering. The library has built a sound collection of books on different areas of engineering and technology. It has a sound collection of current and bound volumes of important journals in field. It is in the process of computerization and provision of more advanced library services for its community of users.
Contact Details
Dr. Surendran Cherukodan, (MA, MLISc, UGC-NET, PhD)
Assistant Librarian Sr. Scale
School of Engineering
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Cochin-682022. Mail:
Mob. 9447579411
Developed and Maintained by: Division Of Computer Engineering , SOE    Development Team ☛